Thoughts on world

What no one told me about burnout.

  1. Burnout is not a constant feeling.
    It comes and goes, in fact in some moments you are almost fine, motivated, excited about life.

2. You can experience burnout even from doing the things you love.
I found out that it’s is actually more common to experience burnout from doing things that you’re passionate about.

3. You feel overwhelmed and that you are not doing enough at the same time.
You can feel the pressure of being productive without having the motivation to do so at the same time.

4. It’s a lonely experience.
It’s different for everyone and that’s why no one can relate with you.

5. You don’t want to take a break.
Your biggest fear is that stopping now will make it worse.

6. Burnout and Self-doubt are best friends, anywhere they go, they go together.

7. You feel ashamed of experiencing it.
I don’t even work that hard, I mean look at other people they’re working 20 hours and they’re fine.

8. It won’t disappear on it’s own.
It needs attention, reflection and modification in your lifestyle.

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